Saturday, October 26, 2013

Live Like You Are Leaving...

I’m reminded this morning that tomorrow (27 October) will be 2 years since my friend, Brenda, passed away suddenly and unexpectedly. And tears come from me that I did not expect to still have. Brenda and I met while participating in ‘Team in Training’ with the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, in what seems like a lifetime ago. She was easygoing, intelligent, beautiful, and just someone I wanted to be friends with. By the time the marathon came around, she was pregnant with her and Joe’s first child, Claire – it was still early in the pregnancy and she didn’t tell any of us. She ran that damn marathon! And then told us. Of course, I was in amazement….but that was Brenda, I learned.

I moved away from Austin and their family grew to include a second child, Ava. Eventually, Joe’s career took them to other parts of the U.S. and then other parts of the world. We stayed in touch periodically and I always looked forward to her Christmas photo and letter, keeping friends & family up-to-date on their adventures. Thank goodness for the advent of Facebook, so that we could keep in touch – so I could peek in on their lives rather and see how they were all doing. Their family landed in England and it was my plan to visit. That plan never came to fruition, because I kept putting it off. I would say to myself, I don’t have enough time with the job; I can’t spend that money right now.

One morning, I received a message on Facebook from a good friend of Brenda’s asking me to call, that something had happened. It was not a good feeling I had, reading that message. So I called and found out that this beautiful, vivacious, adventurous soul had passed away. I was in shock, because she was the picture of health and very active. I didn’t understand it. How could someone SO young die? I didn’t even have the words to comfort her husband and her girls. I didn’t know what to say.

Over the course of the next few weeks, family and friends celebrated Brenda’s life. Joe’s beautiful, beautiful, loving eulogy was posted for all to read. It truly was a celebration of her life and the fact that we each had her in our lives, no matter how much or how long, we’d had a chance to be part of it. I loved that, while her loss was grieved, the legacy that she left behind would not go unnoticed, untended, or forgotten. I loved the fact that her family kept her Facebook page up, and that I could see photos of their lovely daughters growing and moving forward. I loved that Joe has continued Brenda’s tradition of sending a photo and a note at Christmas.

This morning, a cute photo of the girls was posted along with the message that Joe and their girls continue to celebrate Brenda and are inspired by these words, which are on her headstone:
Brenda’s Beliefs
Faith. Family. Travel.
Live Like You Are Leaving
Coffee. Wine. Chocolate.

This has made me shed tears….for loss of a life too young, but also because I am reminded that we need to live like we are leaving. And more often than not, we don’t.  

Sunday, April 7, 2013

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Top....

You know that saying, “It’s lonely at the top.” I’m not even at the top yet, and it’s a lonely journey. Really, it should be it’s lonely deciding to get to the top, it’s lonely on the journey to top, and it’s lonely at the top.

Almost a year ago, I was fortunate enough to have an opportunity presented to me by two people, who are now my business partners. They could see the entrepreneurial spark in me and offered an opportunity I couldn’t pass up. We founded our company, Byte Payment, a payment solutions provider for businesses.

It’s been a tough road to forge, as other entrepreneurs know. I’ve embraced every moment of it – the long hours, the victories, the disappointments, the disagreements – all of it. Because this was what I was meant to be: an entrepreneur. What I didn’t foresee is the distance that slowly built between my friends and me. My friends – not the casual acquaintances, but people I considered good friends, with whom I shared outings, laughs, stories, and life’s moments. I always strived to be a good friend, by being there when they needed me, whether it was a shoulder to cry on, as a sounding board, babysitting their kids…things that friends do for one another. I gave of my time, my affection, my attention, because it’s in my nature to give. And that is what friends do.

My goal has always been to be an entrepreneur. It was just a matter of finding the right thing or things. I’d started a business a few years ago, in photography. It didn’t work out and I went back into the corporate world for a bit. But I learned a lot from that failed first experience. Yes, it was a failure, and that is what drives success. Learn from the failures and mistakes, and don’t repeat. One of my favorite quotes is from the great Michael Jordan: “I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.”

When we founded our company last year, I was more prepared this time around. I was also on more solid ground, because my partners had been successful with their own company, so I had built-in mentors and advisers. What I wasn’t prepared for was the doubt and negativity from my own friends. MY FRIENDS. Yes, the photography business failed. It wasn’t the right thing for me, and if I didn’t take that shot, I wouldn’t have known. I don’t want to regret NOT doing something, not taking that shot, not taking that chance. Quitting my dream would be the biggest failure of all.

One of the most hurtful things happened, when I told a friend with whom I have a 20-year friendship, that we were starting a business and I was leaving my employer. I didn’t get a “good for you for going after your dream” or “that’s awesome, I support you.” The response I got was an “Oookkkk…are you sure about this?” If I’d said that I was moving companies and had a new job, I would’ve probably received more support! I wasn’t happy anymore just making a paycheck and benefitting the top executives of my company. That hadn’t made me happy for a long time. I was very disappointed that this long-time friend couldn’t see or understand that.

Over the course of the last year, others have fallen off as well. I’d always prided myself on having a larger circle of friends, different people with differing personalities. This circle is no longer. Thankfully, the sister and two of the cousins have been phenomenally supportive. Also, a couple of friends from the Chronicle days. These women are like sisters and if they haven’t heard from me in awhile, they call to see if I’m OK, to offer words of encouragement, or just to talk. They understand that I need to put in long hours, that we may not be able to get together or go out as often right now, that a simple phone call is enough. Also thankfully, I’ve met a great group of people via social media, who have offered more support than the ‘real friends.’ Many of them are entrepreneurs or they truly get why I am one. Funny, how that works.

I understand making a phone call goes both ways…right now, I’m being a bit selfish and wanting friends to initiate the call, just to see how I’m doing and offer a few words of encouragement and support. A phone call forces me to take a break and spend some time in happy conversation. It’s OK. The distance has grown and I know the people on whom I can count. I’ve accepted the journey to the top.  

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Speak It Out Loud

I’m good with speaking in front of people, whether it’s a small group or a large one. I’m good at presentations. I’m good at spouting facts and figures. I’m good at making small talk, speaking to perfect strangers whenever and wherever I encounter them. I’m good at communicating, one could say.

But I’m not good at speaking out loud the words I need to say, when I care about someone. Probably the most important words that could be spoken out loud. Yeah, people usually aren’t good with talking about feelings and emotions. I’m REALLY bad at it. Really. Because I don’t want to risk my poor little heart. I’m adventurous when it comes to travel or new places to eat, or learning a different skill. But I’m not adventurous with my heart.

The last few days have been rough…and enlightening. A good friend was diagnosed with cancer – the big scary ‘C’ word. This news was upsetting, to say the least. But it was enlightening too. Ironic, huh? It helped me to figure out just how much I care about this friend. I’ve never told him about my feelings for him. I couldn’t speak those words to him. I couldn’t speak those words to my other friends, to share my feelings for this man. I couldn’t let those feelings come to the surface. I wasn’t even honest with myself about these feelings! There were other things at risk besides my heart…I was afraid I might even lose his friendship or things would be weird and awkward.

Here’s something else I realized that scares the daylights out of me – I need and want him in my life. Not need in a strange co-dependent way. I need him because he is all the things that I’m not. He challenges me. I can’t imagine not having him in my life.

I’ve spoken these words out loud to the Universe…now for the hard part...speaking those words to him. 

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!!!

Another New Year’s Eve…and I had no desire to be out. Not to mention that the rain didn’t help matters either. Long gone are the days of partying at bars or clubs for NYE. I usually receive a few invites to friends’ homes, where there are intimate gatherings or larger parties. Those types of NYE outings have made me happy and I get to spend it with the people who mean the most to me.

For the last couple of NYEs, I have every intention of making the rounds and then spending midnight at one of the friends’ houses. But something shifts and I start feeling like I don’t even want to venture out the door. I can’t explain it. I’m not trying to be anti-social, but it’s been very comfortable to be at home with drink in hand, watching DickClark’s New Year's Rockin’ Eve. Perhaps I’ve finally matured enough to be completely OK with being by myself, on an evening that others place so much importance on “being with” someone. Or perhaps it’s laziness. LOL

Don’t get me wrong – I’d like to have a “someone special” in my life. But I’m one of those girls, who doesn’t define herself by the man in her life. In my early 20’s, due to the poor choices that youth makes, I staked my life and identity on a man. And it took a while to find myself again after it was all over. Lesson learned. For me, there are many special someones in my life: the siblings (don’t tell them I said that!); good friends I’ve known for decades; the nieces that I adore; the nephew who thinks he’s too cool for his old aunt; the cousins that I think of as siblings and friends; the business partner who seems to know me better than I know myself at times.

So last night, as the evening progressed, thoughts of all these special someones came in and out of my mind. The memories we’d made together, the laughter & tears shared, the good times & the bad (thankfully, more good than bad), thoughts of what 2013 would bring for us all. And it was very comfortable and comforting. I hope that my wonderful friends who extended invitations to me will understand!

Happy New Year!!!

P.S.  Don’t usually make resolutions…I have one for 2013 – to write on a regular basis. You guys can hold me to it!